Saturday, April 12, 2008

New Kids on the Blog!

The Creative Glass Guild would like to welcome our new glass artists. We are very fortunate to have such a wide and diverse range of glass for you to enjoy. Check out CGGE glass on our Shopping Page

Quingawaga from Kitchener

SharonJohnsonDesigns from Boise, ID

Turtledreams from Sydney, Australia

Glassnwood from Corpus Christi, Texas

Goglassgirl from Hagerman, Idaho

Hawleyclan from Whitney, Texas

Indiansunshine from Belleville

NeoMythica from Kansas City

Artisticflair from Columbus, Ohio

Daydreamglass from Grand Rapids, Michigan

DSullivancr2 from Houston

Fullblownglass from St Petersburg

Glassmatrix from Duluth, MN

1 comment:

Deb DiSalvo said...

Thanks for including me on the "New Kids on the Blog". Glad I'm here!
-Deb DiSalvo